Welcome to Teach the Hormone Cure!

Welcome and congratulations!

You are 30 days away from being a Trained Hormone Cure Coach, and helping women everywhere reclaim health, vitality and balance –naturally!  

The program officially began on Thursday, July 18th and lasts for 30 days. During that time you will get weekly emails from me containing your program materials for that week as hyperlinks and/or attachments.

It’s up to you to listen to and read the materials at your own pace. However, I highly recommend keeping up with the program as much as possible, so that you’re ready to ask your questions during the two live Q&A calls.

Please note the dates and call-in information for the live Q&A calls on your calendar:

Live Q&A Call #1:       Thursday, July 25th at 5:00pm Pacific (8:00pm Eastern) 

To Attend, Visit:           http://InstantTeleseminar.com/?eventid=42803427 
                                       (Click on the link to ask your questions in advance – 
                                       or to listen to the recording of the call after it’s over)

Or Call:                         (206) 402-0100

Pin Code:                     820247#

Live Q&A Call #2:       Thursday, August 8th at 5:00pm Pacific (8:00pm Eastern)

To Attend, Visit:           http://InstantTeleseminar.com/?eventid=42803931

                                       (Click on the link to ask your questions in advance – 
                                       or to listen to the recording of the call after it’s over)

Or Call:                         (206) 402-0100

Pin Code:                     820247#

I want to get you started with a surprise bonus: an MP3 recording of a call about Gender Differences and the Stress Response that I did for a recent program. I’ll send you several of these kinds of bonuses throughout the program to supplement your learning. Click the link below to download and listen to the audio recording (skip to 27:00 to get straight to the juicy content):

TTHC Pre-Program Bonus – Gender Differences & Stress Response Audio.mp3


Week 1:

Week 1 of Teach the Hormone Cure is focused around Finding the Root Cause. This is one of the key principles underlying the Gottfried Protocols, and it’s a theme that will come up many times during the course of this training program.

Here are your materials for week 1 . . .

How to Teach the Hormone Cure Training Video 1: Find the Root Cause

The Gottfried Protocols


Week 1 Bonuses!


The video for this week is approximately 90 minutes long and will introduce you to many of the key concepts of this course. I highly recommend taking notes, and watching more than once to really absorb the information.

Be sure to write down your questions! You’ll be able to submit questions in advance the day before the call (remember, the call is Thursday, July 25th at 5:00pm Pacific– and you’ll be able to listen to the recording after it’s over, just in case you aren’t able to make it live!). I’ll send you the link to do so in a few days.

Next week we’ll dive into how to teach a presentation or course on The Hormone Cure. Keep an eye on your inbox for those materials!

In the video for this week I mention HeartMath technology several times. Their Inner Balance™ Method is so effective for reducing stress and increasing hearth coherence that I’ve since partnered up with them to offer it to my clients and patients. To learn more about this powerful technique, visit: www.thehormonecurebook.com/innerbalance/



Did you get a chance to watch the 90-minute training video yet? If you didn’t or couldn’t watch the whole thing, remember that this is a self-paced course and it raises your cortisol to try to take a sip of water from a firehouse. You will have lifetime access to these training sessions, so please take your time.

I want to review for you the main points from the training so far.

1. Walk the talk. In order for us to teach others how to balance their hormones, we have to walk the talk. Please do a base case today of how you’re doing with your hormones. Let’s talk about this in the Q&A–I really want for us to talk this piece through and to be authentic about it. Do your base case by performing my quiz athttp://thehormonecurebook.com/quiz/. You can share this quiz with your clients, and next week, I’ll be sending my New York Times bestselling book to you, so that you can use the longer questionnaire in your practice to identify the root cause of problems your clients face.

Note: If you haven’t given us your shipping address to send you your book yet, please click here to do so now.

2. Root cause analysis. What does this mean to you? I think it’s a lifetime project to be continuously searching for your own root causes of problems you face, and to be searching for the problems your clients face. Hormones are the first layer. To begin, think in terms of the top 3 hormone imbalances: cortisol, estrogen (in relation to progesterone), and thyroid. Most people have one major vulnerability that affects their other hormones.

3. Consider the lawyer with cortisol issues. I talked about my patient, a 36-year-old with cortisol issues. Do you have clients like her? What about her story did you relate to?

One thing I learned at Harvard Medical School was how to think, how to approach a problem, and how to generalize a case so that it taught me about another 10 cases. Those are some of my goals for you over our next four weeks together.


Bonus #1:

If you’re like me, time is your most precious commodity. Yet I always feel like I could use more of it!

Listen in to the awesome recording I just did with my smartiepants friend, Dr. Jo Ilfeld, on the topic of time management:


I especially loved what Jo shared about Malcolm Gladwell and the concert violinists! Ever since we recorded the call earlier this month, I’ve been structuring my day like a concert violinist – now I want you to do the same!


Bonus #2:

You’ve been learning in our first week together about root cause analysis, and I find that the second layer that’s important (once you understand the hormonal root cause) is your gut and microbiome – the collective DNA of the bacteria in your body which outnumber your human DNA 10 to 1.

Here’s a link to a recording I did this month with Dr. Pedram Shojai:http://youtu.be/oC_j-C5U_oM

We cover Michael Pollan, why some of your best friends are bacteria, and what dose of probiotics are important. Here are the main points:

  • You want a minimum of 15 billion CFU per day of probiotics per day, and ideally about 50 billion per day.
  • Kimchi is proven to lower blood glucose, and Koreans eat 40 kilograms per day!
  • The lactic acid that produced during the fermentation process stops the growth of bad bacteria and is useful in the prevention of conditions such as yeast infections, urinary tract infections, obesity, diabetes, and gastrointestinal cancers.

I learned yesterday from Jeffrey Smith, GMO-Slayer and founder of the Institute of Responsible Technology, that fermentation wipes out genetically modified materials.

What are your favorite fermented products?

In the weeks to come, I’ll give you a sneak peak on my upcoming diet book, plus my interviews with fun folks like Abel James, who has the #1 podcast on iTunes, and also the issues that you face most – from overwhelmed moms to breast cancer survivors to men.



Thank you so much again for joining us for Teach the Hormone Cure! By now most of you have received the email with Week 1’s materials. I hope you’re as excited as I am to get started!

We’ve been dealing with some email deliverability issues so if you haven’t gotten the email for Week 1 yet, it will be sent to you today. We really appreciate your patience while we work this all out. Technology is such a powerful tool but in times like these it can definitely make my cortisol skyrocket!

As my way of saying “thank you” for being so amazing through all of this, I’ll be sending you some extra goodies and bonuses (above and beyond those I promised you when you signed up) over the next couple of weeks. Keep an eye on your inbox for even more great content coming your way soon.

Some of you have asked when your book will arrive. We will send out your books next week once the refund period ends. We’ll also send you a PDF version of the book via email in a few days.

>>Please click here to give us your shipping address,  so we know where to mail your book. <<

Still have questions? I’ve included answers below to some of the most frequently asked questions our customer service team has gotten lately. You can also check out our customer service forums at this link. If you don’t see your question answered, please email support@saragottfriedmd.com and our team will get back to you as soon as they can.

Q: What’s the schedule for Teach the Hormone Cure?

A: All of your course materials will be sent to you via weekly emails for the duration of this program. Here’s a general overview of the timing…

Thursday, July 18th:            Program begins. Email with 1st Video Training: Find the

                                                 Root Cause (90 min) + Week 1 Materials


Thursday, July 25th:            Email with Week 2 Materials + Q&A Call Reminder


Thursday, July 25th:            Live Q&A with Dr. Sara at 5:00pm Pacific (60 min)


Thursday, August 1st:          Email with 2nd Video Training: Apply the Gottfried

                                                 Protocol (90 min) + Week 3 Materials


Wednesday, August 7th:      Email with Week 4 Materials + Q&A Call Reminder


Thursday, August 8th:          Live Q&A Call with Dr. Sara at 5:00pm Pacific (60 min)


Thursday, August 15th       Live Call with Dr. Sara & Carey Peters – How To Get

                                                Your Next 5 Clients Using The Hormone Cure Protocols

                                                (First 50 participants to sign up only!)

Q: Was I in the first 50 people to sign up and get the fast-action bonuses (live call with Carey Peters + free access to Fast Track Your Hormone Cure)?

A: The first 50 people who got bonused with the additional training came in fast on July 17. If you purchased late that afternoon or afterward, chances are you missed the cut. We sent a separate email to the first 50 purchases with details. If you did not receive that email then you were not among the first 50 to sign up.

Q: Where is the link to the downloads page?

A: There is no downloads page for this course. All of your course materials will be sent to you via weekly emails for the duration of this program. The subject line of each email will be Teach the Hormone Cure [Week X] – with X being the week number.

Q: I haven’t gotten a confirmation email yet. What’s going on?

A: We are receiving higher-than-normal customer service volume in regards to email deliverability issues, and are working to get this resolved as soon as possible. You should get your emails by the end of today (if you haven’t already).

In the meantime, please do the following:

  • Check your spam folder.
  • Do a search in your email for support@saragottfriedmd.com – our program emails come from that email address.
  • Double check that the charge went through on your card.

If you’ve done all of that and still can’t find your confirmation email (SUBJ: Welcome to Teach the Hormone Cure!), please wait until tomorrow and then send an email tosupport@saragottfriedmd.com letting us know you still have not received your program emails.

Q: Where is my book? It hasn’t arrived yet.

A: Your book will be shipped to you after the 7 day refund period is over. We will also email you a PDF version of the book after the refund period ends so that you can get started with your learning right away. Please click here to give us your shipping address, so we know where to mail your book.

Q: I am on the 2-payment plan. When will I be charged for the second half of the program?

A: Your card will be charged again 30 days after the initial charge.

Q: What if I can’t make it to the Live Q&A Calls?

A: You will be able to post your questions for our Q&A Calls in advance of the live calls (details will be sent to you the day before), and we will send you a recording of the calls after they are over.

Q: Why is there a password for the Q&A Calls? I want to go in early and submit a question.

A: We will send you the password for the Q&A Calls once the 7 day refund period is over. Keep an eye on your email inbox for those details.

Q: I listened to the bonus audio from the confirmation email and I’m confused. It seems like totally different information than what I was promised when I signed up. Can you please explain?

A: The bonus audio is exactly that: a bonus! It’s a pre-recorded audio from a previous program that Dr. Sara did. That’s why we recommend skipping to 27 minutes into the audio to get straight to the juicy content. You can ignore the details Dr. Sara talks about until that point in the audio – they don’t apply to this program. Everything you were promised will be sent to you via email over the course of the next 30 days.

Q: May I schedule a one-on-one with Dr. Sara?

A: Dr. Sara is currently on sabbatical. However, you can ask personal questions during your Live Q&A Calls.

Q: Will Dr. Sara be working with us on issues around breast cancer, weight loss, [insert topic here]?

A: This program is designed to cover a number of topics. Between the book, training videos and other materials you will be learning about most of the health issues you likely have questions about. If you still have questions after going through those materials, the Live Q&A Calls will be your chance to ask Dr. Sara directly and get coaching from her live on the phone!


More step-by-step and the bio-identical question:

Carey Peters and I are watching your threads on the Holistic MBA Facebook Page, and we want to address directly some of your most common questions and concerns. Thank you for them — they show me that you’re engaging with the material, and that’s what I’m most thrilled about.  

Some of you are requesting more content and step-by-step instruction on how to deliver content to clients. I completely get that. As a physician who reads about 20 studies per day and synthesizes it into protocols, I hear you and have a ton of content for you. I also know that delivering the content can feel overwhelming to some of you and like a deluge, which is why I hired an educational specialist to modulize the content of The Hormone Cure. That means that you only get a small amount (about 5%) of the content in the first week, and the meatiest chunks are in the middle and end.

You will also get the inside scoop on future programs and books (I just sold the next two books at auction to HarperCollins: a diet book called The Body Cure, and a book about how to leverage epigenetics, called The DNA Cure).

Here are a few comments to address your questions and concerns:

1. Q&A Call.  I would like to add another 30+ minutes to our Q&A this Thursday.We will now begin at 4:30pm, and you will be sent the password to add your questions at 1:00 am that morning – on July 25, 2013. I will answer questions first-come, first-served and we can go for a total of two hours if necessary. If you can join us live at some point, press *2 to get in the queue.

2. Too DENSE! For those of you who felt the first session was too densely packed with information, take your time with it. Start with the quiz. Start with cortisol and review the protocols linked to cortisol that we sent to you last week. Ask questions during this week’s Q&A.

3. Too LIGHT! For those of you who felt the first session wasn’t dense enough, ask your questions to make it more relevant. Curious about the link between leptin and insulin resistance? Want to know the 5 key steps that move the needle on weight loss? Your Q&A is where you get granular and more specific — don’t quit before the magic begins!

4. Bioidenticals. One woman stated: “My biggest concern is the bio-identical hormones. I just don’t know enough about them. I’ve read conflicting opinions regarding how safe they are. I don’t mind discussing natural foods with clients but I am concerned about informing people about anything that might be proven to be unsafe in the coming years.” I agree! My book, The Hormone Cure, states that I am not a fan of taking bioidenticals ad infinitum. The protocols I use resolve hormone imbalance 95% of the time without a prescription, and all of it is within your scope of practice. I think it’s important for you to focus on the myriad ways you advise people to eat, move, think, and supplement as a way to balance hormones without resorting to bioidenticals. I assume prescription hormones are dangerous and provocative until proven otherwise, and suggest you do the same.

5. MEN! Ah, men. One question that came in for this Thursday’s Q&A call is whether I have protocols for me. I most certainly do, since they are now 10% of the clients I serve. I have an email scheduled for you next week of an interview I did last week with protocols for men with the #1 podcaster on iTunes. It’s an exclusive interview, and we talk about testosterone to estrogen ratios, thyroid issues, and cortisol issues unique to men. 

FYI – we are starting to ship books to you later this week! We are also going to email you the PDF of The Hormone Cure on Thursday. If you haven’t filled out the webform with your shipping address yet, please click here to do so now.

Please keep your questions coming, and given that our website got hacked last week, you may find it easier to email us at info@SaraGottfriedMD.com. We are working around the clock to fix the issues that came up as a result of the hacking.